Caustic's Codes

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Personal Notes on teaching yourself

March 5, 2013


  1. Don’t get ahead of yourself. When you don’t have a teacher, you don’t have anyone to guide you and keep you on track. Learning takes time. Remember that.
  2. Create a course plan with assignments to complete. Without a plan or milestones, you’ll just sit there and wonder what to do next.
  3. Do your reading. All of it. No matter how much you hate it. Challenge yourself to not get distracted. Put yourself in a state where you won’t get distracted easily.
  4. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Always remember that you’re teaching yourself to acomplish something greater later on.

Courses I want to teach myself:

  • Distributed Systems
  • Advanced Data Structures
  • Linear Algebra
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Compiler Design
  • Algorithm Optimization
  • Search Engine Design
  • Advanced Computer Security
  • Advanced Operating Systems